LEE Filters has introduced the brand new LEE85 Filter System, perfectly designed for smaller cameras

LEE Filters has announced the LEE85 Filter System, a new filter system that’s been designed specifically for photographers who use smaller kit, such as mirrorless cameras. Drawing from the same intuitive design as the LEE100 Filter System that launched in 2019 for DSLRs, the LEE85 is a bold step forward that landscape and cityscape mirrorless photographers will love.
While it might be smaller in stature than the LEE100 Filter System, the LEE85 system is designed to retain the same excellent quality. The LEE85 filter holder can be easily attached, adjusted and locked to the lens with just a finger and thumb. The locking dial can be set to neutral, half-lock or full-lock to offer you the maximum flexibility in rotating and adjusting your filters.
Replacing LEE Filters’ Seven5 Filter System, the new LEE85 system can be used with up to three filters, as well as a rapid-fitting clip-on Polarizer. You can also easily adjust the rings in order to get the filters in exactly the right position. This means that you can hone the perfect effect in-camera, which will allow you to spend less time in post-production.
The LEE85 Filter System is available in a range of four kits, including Discover, Develop, Aspire and Deluxe. Each kit will include the LEE85 System Pouch, which holds a LEE85 Filter Holder, Polarizer, and filters. The pouch has a concertina design with one slot per filter, and comes with strap options for over-the-shoulder, belt-loop and tripod configuration. Each kit will also include three adapter rings (72mm, 67mm and 58mm), so that you can use it straight away out of the box.

The Discover Kit will also include a LEE 0.6 Neutral Density Graduated Medium filter. The Develop Kit will have a LEE 0.6 ND Grad and a LEE Big Stopper with tin. The Aspire Kit will have the above and also include a 0.9 ND Grad, ClearLEE Filter Was 50ml and a ClearLEE Filter Cloth. And finally, the Deluxe Kit will have all of the above and also include a LEE85 Polarizer with pouch.
Interestingly, the new LEE85 Graduated and Standard filters have been redesigned to include a tab on the top of the filter. Not only does this mean that you can instantly identify and find the filter you’re looking for in your filter pouch, but you can also avoid touching the filter’s surface directly. Instead, you can handle your filter by using the tab.
The LEE85 Filter System will be available to purchase in late Spring 2020.