Thibaut Goarant

I am a middle aged guy, born in Quimper, Brittany, France but I’ve been living now in Japan for 4 years.

Thibaut Goarant

I am here, trying to adapt in the chief-town of Mitani, in Yabu city, Japan. Led by the urge to keeping shooting, I’m exploring the place… I’ve not ventured far yet. We arrived in winter. The place is covered with snow. The houses of dark wood, the mountains, the firs, the winter stormy sky… Everything calls for my longing of high contrast blacks and whites.
Thibaut Goarant
I shoot 99% of time black and white. That’s how I like to see the world around me. I think it corresponds to my state of mind; it is only natural for me to shoot black and white. Quite simply, photography saved my life. I suffer from a severe depression but when I’m out photographing, or when I concentrate on photography matters, all the pain goes away.
Thibaut Goarant
My favourite photographer is Todd Hido although he did not influenced me on shooting, or at least not consciously. I enjoy also Daido Moriyama and some other Japanese photographer such as Shinya Arimoto or Shin Yanagisawa.



Thibaut Goarant’s Website

Bnw Minimalism Magazine 13


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