Andrei Baciu

Andrei Baciu : There is no border between photography and poetry. Photography is, just like poetry, full of lyrism. Somewhere, high up, they meet, they mix, they mingle. Photogralysm. While an art such as literature seeks, through words, the Word, Photography reveals the light within the Light: this is the premise of my visual expression endeavours.

Obsessively fascinated by the power with which the photographical art bears testimony that the world is ”good from the viewpoint of its purpose, beautiful as making, complex from the perspective of its existence and spiritual through its very materiality” (Horia Bernea), I do my best to acknowledge the assertion in the quote above.

I live in Prahova county, Romania. Ph.D. in literature. Should you be walking the hilly surroundings of my natal village, chances are you will run into me.

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