Julien Carcano

Julien Carcano is a complete Artist in its deep meaning. He has always been evolving within Arts, always in need of discovering new horizons and novelty. From the right beginning, his appetite for the Art environment drove him to the doors of school Arts, where, durant 6 years, he will practice numerous medias such as Photography, video, painting, sculpting or even engraving. This exercice mixed with the multi-cultural ambiance of the school will definitely confirm his vocation and will fully reveal his deep creativity nature. We clearly talk about nature as with Julien, Art is instinctive and his the reflection of his over-sensitiveness. Far from following a straight way or to live on its assets, he is flying to Brazil looking for new challenges and experiences.

The bet will be successful: our Artist with the altruistic and significant character will embrace the richness and incredible dynamism of the Brazilian culture: « the creativity and the extreme diversity in culture compared to Europe both fascinated and motivated me. The report at time and space that Brasilian people have is a complete different approach. They know how to appreciate the time that flows, which is something we have completely lost here in Europe.» Back in Europe, Julien did not lose his taste for elsewhere and decide to go and explore England. He is ending in London, a city full of talents and innovations. New language, new culture, news challenges and new profesional experiences. He is creating his own Graphic Design company, « Artery-Crea », which whom he is practicing creating and composing various projects, print , web, video or photo based. Proper Melting-pot city, London managed to feed his constant need of inspiration and discovery thanks to some numerous contacts all coming from various backgrounds.

The contact with the Fine Art Photographer Noel Clegg who is a longue exposure photographer will particularly inspire Julien. A new collaboration is born to exchange their respective know-how/skills. This technique will revolution his creations as it is offering a real large spectrum of creativity. A new playground with an infinite potentiel for our Artist. Releasing the shutter is now a complete different dimension: « I naviguate through the place, look at it, observe it, listen to it and feel it. We have to open ourselves to the place if we want to be able to frame its deep spirit» he is entrusting us. Julien freezes the time for a couple of seconds and frame its emotions at this precise moment, by using a very sobre style and minimalist. He reads the beauty and the simplicity of the place and retranscribes it to us. Its composition reveals a game of texture, material and a new geometry lines that you can’t expect.

The power of its work exist in even the connexion between surnatural/unique/new to the place and as well as its post production processing work which allows him to sublim/fine tune/perfection the reality that he felt by Julien when on spot : accentuate the lignes, sobre the elements, profile the angles to transmit a beauty and a emotion more grabing. Lost in between reality and fiction, magic happens. We’ll be ending by the Artist’s words faithful to its generosity: « today, I want to share this experience through the world, and travel the world to share my vision »

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