Madiha Abdo

Madiha Abdo : I have been interested in photography since childhood, perhaps due to the fact that my uncle occasionally used to take me to his darkroom, giving me my first own small camera when I reached the age of ten. This childhood interest in photography evolved to become a passion.

My black and white images are generally characterised by the juxtapositioning of darkness and light that gives shape to a world that is subtly mysterious, yet with a powerful physical presence. Whether I am showing a human face or transforming an urban environment into a shadowy, graphically bold scene,

I always try balancing the light, exposure and composition to create a distinctive body of work. Furthermore, I always try guiding the viewer’s attention so to focus on the small details that animate each image. A scene that is cloaked in darkness might be brought to life by a sharply rendered figure stepping into a shaft of light, or a human subject will be given context by the detailed depiction of surrounding objects or backgrounds.

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