Minimalist Photography Awards Annual Book 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the Annual Book 2023 for the Minimalist Photography Awards has been published!

This beautifully curated collection showcases the stunning works of the 2023 award winners, celebrating the essence of minimalist photography. The book is a testament to the creativity and vision of the talented photographers who have captured simplicity in its most profound form.

Featuring the artists: Martin Annand, András Gáll, Gleici Rufatto, Daniel Franc, David B Moore, Paul Lehane, Tommy Tenzo, Francesco Luongo, Paul Lichte, Zdeněk Vošický, Francisco Urena, Ian Callaghan, Sue Trower, Michael Jurek, Manuel Schmidt, Dieter Demey, Laura Paresky Gould, Nina Papiorek, Yevhen Kostiuk, Luke David, Gianfranco Merati, Emmanuelle Becker, Demetrio Jereissati, Esteban Amaro, Vera Conley, Guido Klumpe, Dorota Górecka, Jana Luo, Robert Bolton, Rohit Rattan, Steve Scalone, Folker Michaelsen, Paolo Veneziani, Paolo Ameli, Nathan Wirth, Pierre Pellegrini, Richard Heinrich, Dennis Schulz, Alessandro Tagliapietra, Andrew Whettam, Charlie O’Donovan, Dominic Rothenberger, Jonathan Knight, Susanne Middelberg, Therese Iknoian, Konrad Hellfeuer, Wolfgang Autexier, Yuto Hirasawa, Klaus Lenzen, Paula Aranoa, Dominic Blewett, Daria Martinoni, George Dibble, Kaat Stieber, Graeme Gordon, Glenn Homann, Emmanuel Passeleu, Gerhard Grossberger, Jana Hoffmann, June Yunjung John, Patricia Van de Camp & Marc Heesterbeek, Kennon Guerry, Nadia Serebryakova, Anna Karvounari, Paul Dodd, Shirin Soltanizadeh, David Degelin, Carlos Bueno, Ivan Ćuća, Tamás Wachsler.

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